
Friday, September 25, 2020

Lovely Sign Language

 Kia Ora, Welcome back to my blog. 

How has your week been so far? Its almost the holidays, Yay!!! I cant wait for the holidays. How about you, are you excited about the holidays? Since its New Zealand Sign Language week we have been set a task and here it is:

Our task today was to go on a app called sign language and play the games that the app provided. It was interesting and cool to learn a new language. It took some time to get it right but it was really fun to learn. Sign languege is such and amazing and a beautiful language. The game had a bunch of different levels. The first level was learning how to play and then playing. Once you complete a level you get a belt. it here are some pictures. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Magic Mirrors

 Kia Ora, welcome back to my blog.

I hope you have had an amazing start to the week. My week has been good so far. I am so excited because its almost the school hoildays. Im going to miss school but to be completely honest I really want a brake from school.  Next term is going to be really fun and exciting because we have loads of fun things coming up, Things like Formal,Surfing and the year eights living. ):

For Maths this week in Davies maths group we have been looking at mirrioring images and were the line of symetery is. Its been fun and really easy. Its been a bit interesting But I already know a lot about symertery. We had a fun task and we had to make a picture that reflects one side of the image. The two sides had to be exacty the same. Here is the slide of everys one art. (some people did it in there books) 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Dissolving experiment

Hey Guys,

 Hows you week been? Mines been really good its been boring but its also been fun because of tech. For tech we have been making masks and making something storage related. I cant wait until next week to finish my blog post. 

For literacy we have been looking at science reports and trying different experiments. Its been really fun and cant wait until our next experiment. Our task was to take the information we had and turn it into a cool DLO. I had fun and decided to make mine into a web page. here is the link:  Dissolving experiment

Friday, September 4, 2020

Interesting Ice

Kia Ora Bloggers

This week has been really awesome. I can't believe that its nearly term 4 which means school is almost over. I am really excited for next term because we are going surfing, year 8s graduation and formal. I am sad that the year 8s are leaving but i can;t wait to be a year eight.,but i need to get through this year first.

For literacy we have been looking at procedral writing and learning how to write science reports. Our task was to create a website with the infromation we already had. We only had 25 minutes to make it, which was a challenge. We used adobe spark to create it, here is mine: Ice Melting Experiment

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Big Bad Wolf

 Kia Ora Bloggers

Wolves in yellowstone were such an amazing help to the environment. They even changed the course of a river.

But the wolves in france changed france in a bad way. They killed over 12,000 animals and left the farmers with not much money at all.

Overall I like wolves and think they help the world in a really positive way but unfortuneltly some wolves are like the wolves in france.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Hey Bloggers, Im very happy right now for absolutely no reason and I thought it wold be a good Idea to tell you about my week so far. Today has been fun because its wednesday which means we go to tech. From this week My tech group are doing Fabrics which is basically just sewing and making cool things. Next week we are going to be making masks an I can't wait šŸ˜ƒ 

After Tech we have been learning a lot about coding and PSAs. Our task was to create a PSA using a website called Codesters. I enjoyed it but to be honest it was a little bit boring. It was really easy and next time I want to challenge myself more.