
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

2020 the year that was!

 Kia Ora welcome to or back to my blog.

I cant beleive the year is almost over. 2020 has been an interesting year, And its almost over. With all the bad news about Covid 19 and other things we haven't been acknolegening all the good things that have happened, Here are 5 good things that have happened in 2020.  

1. you may of heard your grandparents talking about drive in movie theaters well they have made a comeback. With all the covid restrictions we have to social distance so that means movie theathers had to close down. Which made an opening for Drive in movie theaters. Drive in Concerts are now a thing too.

2.  Have you relised that nowdays because of Covid we can wear whatever we want outside. Sweatpants and t-shirts became exeptable and it was our reiality. So I guess we cant  just walk out in our Pjs but who knows that might be next.

3.  We relised that home schooling kinda sucks, Now we can appericate our teachers and all there hard work. Teachers don't get an amazing pay rate so maybe the next thing to happen is going to be a worldwide teacher pay rise. Its a little much but its not impossible.

So there we have the top 3 things that happend in 2020 that was actually good, If you want to find out more things here is a website: 50 good things that happened in 2020

Speaking of things that have happened in 2020, In literacy we have been thinking about 2020 and what we have been doing. surprisingly we have done a lot at marshland school. Its been a crazy year for everything. After we wrote our senteces we had to turn it into a book. Here is my story. 

2020 The year that was!

                                        What is the best thing that has happened this year for you? 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Jolly Japan

Konnichiwa, welcome to or back to my blog

I hope you have had an amazing day so far. Its been an interesting term but its almost over, Which is really sad but I guess next year is going to be fun because i am going to be a year eight. I am really sad that the year is ending because I am going to be moving at the end of the year. My parents have decied that it would be best If we move back up north because my dad got a job. So I am really sad about that, I am really going to miss all my friends.

For literacy we have been learning about different countries and how to write information reports. Our task was to create a google earth tour that shows our country that we chose. We had to write a Introduction, A paragraph about the capital city and then any other information. The country I chose was Japan, it has been really fun learning about a new country. The Japanenes culture is truly interesting and fun to learn about. Japan is a beautiful country and I would love to be able to go to Japan. Here is my Google earth tour Japan 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Pretty Packaging

 Hello welcome back to my blog!

I hope you have had an amazing week so far. Last week around 50 children went to zones athletics. I went there for shot put and discus. For shot put I came 4th place with 8.46 meters, And for discus I came 1st place with 22.72 meters. Since I got 1st I am going to Canterburys which is the next big compition. If you win Canterburys then that means you are the best in Canterbury. I am really nervous for it but I hope I do good.

In math we have been learning about packaging and how to correctly take measurements. on tuesday we got a mystery pack with either: Chocolate, Cookies or Peanuts. in my mystery Pack I got 4 mini Chocolate bars. Once we got our mystery pack we had to take down the measurements and choose what shape of box we want to create. 

I chose to make a square because it would fit the measurements of my mini chocolate the best. I drew it up and cut it out, then I put it together. I then thought it would look with a lid so I made a lid to go with it. Lastly I added some black ribbon around it to make it look pretty. 

Here it is, I am really happy with the outcome:

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

New Zealands fascinating HIstory and Culture

 New Zealand: Culture, Tradition and History

Nau mai haere mai, welcome to my blog. In todays blogpost I am going to be talking to you about New Zealands history,culture and tradition. New Zealand is full of history and I am Going to tell you about it, But first im going to tell you what happend this week and last week.

 Last friday we did athletics, We had 8 rotaions, High jump, long jump, sack race, cornhole, earthball, tug of war, discus and shot put. My favorite was earthball, Discus and shot put. I got into zones for Discus and shot put. I got 1st in discus and 2nd in shot put.

in Class we have been learning about New Zealand and it culture. Do you know anything interesting about New Zealand's hitory? Our task was to make a copy of the slide the teachers made and then we had to fill in the blank. I really enjoyed it but it was time conusiming. Anyway, Bye and I will post next week.

(: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: (: 


Friday, October 16, 2020

Super duper Storyboard

 Hey fellow bloggers, welcome to or back to my blog.

I hope you have had an amazing start to the term. This week has been so long and boring. but I am so happy that the week is over! The only thing that was good about this week was seeing my friends again. We started  athletics practice, My favorite athlectics event is probably discus and shot put. High jump and long jump are fine but they aren't the best.

For Literacy we are learning about man vs nature, man vs man and man vs self. Its been really interesting. We have been reading 2 different books and 1 movie. Hatchet, Castaway:dissapointment island and the movie esscape from wildcat canoyon. Our task was to make a story board showing examples of Man vs Man, Man vs Nature and Man vs self from the text. Here is my storyboard: 

Friday, September 25, 2020

Lovely Sign Language

 Kia Ora, Welcome back to my blog. 

How has your week been so far? Its almost the holidays, Yay!!! I cant wait for the holidays. How about you, are you excited about the holidays? Since its New Zealand Sign Language week we have been set a task and here it is:

Our task today was to go on a app called sign language and play the games that the app provided. It was interesting and cool to learn a new language. It took some time to get it right but it was really fun to learn. Sign languege is such and amazing and a beautiful language. The game had a bunch of different levels. The first level was learning how to play and then playing. Once you complete a level you get a belt. it here are some pictures. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Magic Mirrors

 Kia Ora, welcome back to my blog.

I hope you have had an amazing start to the week. My week has been good so far. I am so excited because its almost the school hoildays. Im going to miss school but to be completely honest I really want a brake from school.  Next term is going to be really fun and exciting because we have loads of fun things coming up, Things like Formal,Surfing and the year eights living. ):

For Maths this week in Davies maths group we have been looking at mirrioring images and were the line of symetery is. Its been fun and really easy. Its been a bit interesting But I already know a lot about symertery. We had a fun task and we had to make a picture that reflects one side of the image. The two sides had to be exacty the same. Here is the slide of everys one art. (some people did it in there books) 

Friday, September 11, 2020

Dissolving experiment

Hey Guys,

 Hows you week been? Mines been really good its been boring but its also been fun because of tech. For tech we have been making masks and making something storage related. I cant wait until next week to finish my blog post. 

For literacy we have been looking at science reports and trying different experiments. Its been really fun and cant wait until our next experiment. Our task was to take the information we had and turn it into a cool DLO. I had fun and decided to make mine into a web page. here is the link:  Dissolving experiment

Friday, September 4, 2020

Interesting Ice

Kia Ora Bloggers

This week has been really awesome. I can't believe that its nearly term 4 which means school is almost over. I am really excited for next term because we are going surfing, year 8s graduation and formal. I am sad that the year 8s are leaving but i can;t wait to be a year eight.,but i need to get through this year first.

For literacy we have been looking at procedral writing and learning how to write science reports. Our task was to create a website with the infromation we already had. We only had 25 minutes to make it, which was a challenge. We used adobe spark to create it, here is mine: Ice Melting Experiment

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Big Bad Wolf

 Kia Ora Bloggers

Wolves in yellowstone were such an amazing help to the environment. They even changed the course of a river.

But the wolves in france changed france in a bad way. They killed over 12,000 animals and left the farmers with not much money at all.

Overall I like wolves and think they help the world in a really positive way but unfortuneltly some wolves are like the wolves in france.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020


Hey Bloggers, Im very happy right now for absolutely no reason and I thought it wold be a good Idea to tell you about my week so far. Today has been fun because its wednesday which means we go to tech. From this week My tech group are doing Fabrics which is basically just sewing and making cool things. Next week we are going to be making masks an I can't wait 😃 

After Tech we have been learning a lot about coding and PSAs. Our task was to create a PSA using a website called Codesters. I enjoyed it but to be honest it was a little bit boring. It was really easy and next time I want to challenge myself more.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Beautiful Biodiversity

 Kia Ora  

Welcome back to or back to my blog. This week has been fun and I am really sad because covid is back in New Zealand, but thankfully its only in auckland. The bad thing is that next week I might have to miss the netball winter tournament because we can't have gatterings of more than 100 people. I really hope we go into level 1 or even no level.

For Literacy we have been learning about Yellowstone national park and making Minecraft worlds, one world was before the wolfs were introduced and one after the wolfs started a trophic cascade. I really enjoyed naking them and had fun. Here it is:


Friday, August 14, 2020

Smart Samoan

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog. 

I hope you have had an amazing friday, I've had a great week and can't wait until next friday because the year 7 and 8s are going to Mt. Hutt to go skiing. I've never gone skiing before but I am really happy and 
can't wait. This week has been fun but I just want it to be the weekend to be honest.

Every wednesday we go to tech at christchurch east school. After tech we go back to school and usaly learn about the Samaon culture and the Samoan language. Our task was to create some type of DLO that shows a conversation between to people in Samoan. Here it is: 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Splendid Science

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog. I hope you have had an amazing week so far. I am really excited because the year 7's and 8's are going on a skiing trip soon. I've never been skiing and can't wait to go. I am also really nervous because I really don't want to fall over but to be honest I know I will.  

For Literacy we have been learning how to write a proper science report. I have had load of fun because every week we do a science experiment and its been really fun. This week we have been looking at "what liquid will ice melt the fastest in?" and the results shocked me!

Friday, July 24, 2020

4 things Astronauts do in space

Hello, Welcome back to my blog. Its Friday and I can't wait to go home because i've had a busy day. Anyway from today every friday we have to do maths on fridays which sucks. The reason we have to do maths on fridays is because all of the school execpt the year 7&8's have 4 days that they have to do Maths but Since the year 7 and 8 have tech we have to do Maths now... ):

This Term we are focusing on space and the teachers made a sheet of activitys to do and this is the one I decided to do. We have to do 3 activitys, its kind like  Tic Tac Toe but we don't have to do it 3 in a row.
Here is a screenshot of my work:

Super Science

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog, I hope you have had a good week back at school. Its unfortunate that new zealand has new case's of covid-19 but we've gotten rid of it before and we can do it again. I really miss online school because I got so much done and got to do anything I wanted to do in the afternoon because I got all my work done.

For Literacy we are learning about science and Space. Yesterday in my literacy group we did an experiment. We are learning about how to write a proper science report, Here is my science slide. Every week I will add an experement to the slide. Here it is: 

(Sorry I can't upload the slide, so here is a screenshot)

Friday, July 3, 2020

Magic LIghts

Kia Ora 
Welcome back to my blog.
For a couple of weeks we have been learning about Matariki and today we have been learning about the southern lights. The southern lights are lights that light up the sky. There are southern and northern lights, The southern lights are near the south pole and the northern lights are near the north pole. There are many myths about the mysterious lights and how they are made. The sun gets so hot that little bits of the sun brake off and come towards the earth at a fast speed because the earth is in line with the sun. The earth is protected because it has a magnetic field that surrounds the earth. So when the sun bits come towards the earth and hits the earth most of the bits are deflected but some of the bits make it through the atmosphere and makes the bright lights. The colors can be green,purple, pink and sometimes blue.

After learning about the lights we got to make some art that is based on the lights. First we had to rip a piece of paper to make a mountain range. Then we got some black paper and taped our moutain range to the black piece of paper. Then we got a paint brush and white paint and flicked the white paint onto our paper to make stars. Once we had our stars we had to wait for the paint to dry. Then we got some pastles and drew on the moutains. Then we smudged the pastles up to the top of the page to make the lights on top of the mountains.

Here it is:

Monday, June 29, 2020

My Voki On The Book Wild Boy

Kia ora bloggers,

When reading a book, have you ever been curious about something you were reading, and wanted to find out more to help you understand what you were reading better?  We have been learning about how important this is this week in Literacy.

When we read The Magic School Bus inside the human body’ I formed some advanced questions using ‘how’ and ‘why’.  I made sure they were open ended questions that would help me understand the book more.  An example of one of my questions was “Why are intestines coiled up?’ and I then researched and found out that an adults intestine is 7.5m long, so it needs to coil up so that it fits in the body.

Next we got to chose our own book to read out of our virtual library and we had to form 3 advanced questions about it.  Our create task this week was to share these in a creative way.  I chose to do it with Voki and it was about a book called Wild Boy. Here is a link: Wild Boy


I really enjoyed this task as it made me realise how important it is to do this when reading to understand the text better.

Do you ever do further research when you are reading a book to deepen your understanding?

Friday, June 19, 2020

My Initials in ASCII

Kia Ora,

I've had an amazing day, how was your day? This week was a fun week but I can't wait for the weekend. I really want to go home and sleep to be honest... I had loads of fun a tech, in my tech group we are making bread and trying different colors, flavors and shapes. Its really sad that New Zealand has 3 new cases of Covid-19 but I know we will keep it under control.

After tech we were learning about ASCII, ASCII is one of the codes that revolve around Binary. Binary is what technologe uses to work. It is really confusing in the start but one you get used to it its easy to understand. To find out your name in binary you will need to do this...
Then you will need to find the letters in your name and write what number they are like this:
Then you will need to see what numbers it takes to make your number using these numbers...
64 32 16 8 4 2 1
it helps to make a table like this:
And thats how you find out what your name is in ASCII.
Instead on doing our names we had to do our initials so we did that process but instead of using our name we used our initials. We got to chose colors for the ones and the zeros and the spaces...We got to make a keychain or a braclet, And I chose to make a keychain with the colors pink,purple and blue. Here it is:

Cindy Stone book cover

Hey Readers!

How has your week been? Mines been pretty good. We've done some fun stuff this week but I'm looking forward to the weekend. I'm really upset that New Zealand has 3 new cases of Covornavirus but I know we can keep it under control and I hope we won't have to go back to level 4, it was fun but I'm enjoying school.

So, This week for literacy we've been looking at Fractured Fairy Tales... We watched a coulple videos and learnt how to fracture a story. Once we've done all the planning we are going to make our own fractured fairy tale. Yesterday we got to make our front cover for our book using book creator. I chose to do my story based on cinderella but im going to make a modern version, anyway here is my book cover...

Friday, June 12, 2020

My Super Siapo

Hello, Welcome back to my blog.

I have had an amazing week. I hope you have also had a good week.What did you do this week that was fun? I am happy that New Zealand has eliminated covid-19. Jacinda Ardern has done an excellent job at keeping New Zealand safe. Every wednesday we have been learning about Samoa and the Samoan culture.

One of the oldest and most important traditions of Samoa is the Siapo or Tapa.  It is a type of cloth made from the bark of the mulberry tree.  It is very time consuming, because the bark must be harvested, stripped, separated, scraped, and beaten before it can be used.  It is then laid out in the sun to dry.
The artist uses natural dyes, created from items such as berries, bark, and nuts to make patterns on the cloth.  
There are 13 traditional patterns used on siapo that represent things common to Samoan culture such as nets, coconut leaves, shells and flowers.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Situational Irony

Hello welcome to or back to my blog. I hope you have had a good monday so far. I am really happy that New Zealand is going to level one. Its been really hard being in lockdown and im happy that there is not going to be many restrictions.

For inquiry we have been learning about the 3 different ways of irony. Last week we had to get in pairs and make a comic strip of one of the 3 ways of irony. I went with Pippa and we chose to make a comic strip on Situational Irony. Pippa and I really enjoyed making this.. I hope you like it!

Thursday, June 4, 2020

The 3 LIttle Pigs WIth A Twist

Kia Ora

Welcome back or to my blog. I hope you have had an amazing week so far. I had a fun week and really enjoyed doing literacy. Im really happy that New Zealand is doing really good, and we have had no covid-19 cases for a while. School has been really different but the teachers have done everything they could to keep school the same as normal.

For Literacy today we have been looking at Fractured Fariy tales. Today we read a story from Roald Dahl, about the 3 little pigs. It was really weird and a little bit sad. Our Task was to design a fairy castel and write the Background,Rising Action,Climax,Falling Action and the resolution. It was really fun and I really like my castle.
Bye For Now

Friday, May 29, 2020

Koru Art

Hi, welcome back to my blog. I hope you have had an amazing week. This week was been really good for me. Every friday we have been learning about koru's. Today we have been coloring our koru's and dyeing the background black. I am really happy with my final outcome. It was really fun. The thing that I like best about my art work is the colorful background. I hope you like it...
What do you like best about my art work?

Friday, May 22, 2020

Angles or Angels

Kia Ora, welcome to or back to my blog. I hope you have had an amazing day so far...

For maths this week in my maths group we have been looking at angles. When we were in lockdown Mrs Davies (my maths teacher) made a slide that we put all our work on so that Mrs Davies could easily comment on our work. Our task was to take a protractor and work out the what the diameter is of the angle. It was really fun...Here it is....

Thursday, May 21, 2020

My inferences about the wicked Twits

Kia Ora, welcome to or back to my blog.

I hope you have had a great time back at school.
For literacy we have been learning about making inferences. We have been reading a book called The Twits. The book is about a married couple who are really nasty and gross.

 Everyday we watch a short video and make inferences about the people. Our task was to write down our inferences on one side and on the other side we wrote the evidence from the text. To make an inference you take clues from a text or image and add them to your thoughts and prior knowledge and then you can make an inference, for example, here is an can tell that the lady is angry because she is frowning and pointing

I used google drawing to create a display of my inferences

What do you think Mrs and Mr Twit are like?
Bye for now!

Friday, May 15, 2020

My Work From This Week

Hello, Welcome to or back to my blog, I hope you have had an exellent week. I am really happy to be going back to school. I am going to miss online learning, Here is all my work from this week...

First of all I had litracy. In my litracy group we have been learning about Roald Dahl. We have been reading "going solo".  Its all about what roald did before he became a writer. Roald had a terrible crash. Our task was to make a biography about Roald. We could use whatever site we wanted, execept for google slides and google docs.. I made a website...Here is a link: Roald Dahl

Now for maths... For maths we have been learning about diameters, We had a map and we had to work out the diameter of the seven. It was really fun meausuring all the wonders. I thought it was going to be hard but it was actully really easy. Here it is...

Last of is friday so we get fun tasks and we get to choose what we want to do from a slide on our site... I decied to make a top hat drawing, I inclued a person to make the top hat not look lost... Are you good at drawing? Here it is..

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Going solo: plane crash!

In literacy we have been reading Going Solo by Roald Dahl. It tells his story from where Boy left off. He went to Africa to work for The Shell Company and he has many adventures there. Some of these are really funny. He then joined the RAF to fly in WW2. We have recreated a part of the story where his plane crashes in the desert. He manages to survive although he is blinded by the crash and badly injured. He does get his sight back eventually.Going Solo is a great novel! what do you think happens next?

Saturday, May 9, 2020

My Dream Birthday Cake

kia Ora
welcome back to my blog. I hope you have had an amazing week. every Friday we get fun tasks  set for us and I chose to design my dream birthday cake. Instead of drawing it I made it! What would your dream birthday cake look like? Here is mine, It was very fun to make! 


Friday, May 8, 2020

Measuring the Volume and capacity of Items

Welcome back to or back to my blog. I hope you've had a good week. For maths my awesome teacher Mrs Davies gave us the task of finding iteams around our house and finding the capacity of volume. Once we had our items we had to fill a measuring jug and fill it with about 300 mls of water, Once I did that I put one of my items into the jug. When the water went up I measured how much it went up and took that away from 300 and then you will get the volume. My challenge for you is to find out how what is the volume of a apple. What was the volume of the apple?
Here is mine 

Fabulous Flying

Kia Ora
Welcome back to my blog! I hope you have had an awesome week. When I found out we might be going back to school I was happy but also kinda sad because I am really enjoying lockdown. I am really excited to see my friends again!! In my literacy we have been reading Going Solo by Roald Dahl. Our teachers read the chapter and we had to write what we thought what we think was going through ronalds mind while he was learning how to fly or a first person what we think it would of been like to fly in the tiger moth... What is your favorite book?

Friday, May 1, 2020

Stained-Glass Window Challenge

Hey, welcome to or back to my blog, I hope you have had an amazing week.
Since its friday the teachers have given us fun tasks related to Tech. If you don't
know what Tech is, I will explain it. Every wedensday the year 7/8 go tho tech,
at tech we learn life skills and have lots of fun. There are different topics we
learn about like... Multi materials, food, fabric and woodwork. Anyway
here is my Stained-Glass Window, that I made using paper, oil, coloring pencils
and when I was finished I put some oil onto the back and stuch it onto my window.
What have you done in your bubble to keep yourself busy?

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Diameter Radius and Circumference

Hey welcome back to my blog. I hope you are having a good day so far. Today for maths we had to find 5 circular objects around our house and Find the diameter radius and circumference. then we had to calculate our diameter by pi which is 3.1415. It was really fun and cool. Do you like maths?            See you tommorow Bye...

Monday, April 20, 2020

Parts of a Circle

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog, I hope you are having a good day. Today for maths were learning about circles. It was really interesting and I learnt some new things. I don't know why but circles are my favorite shape. I hope you learn something from this slide...What Is your favorite shape?

Friday, April 17, 2020

Fun Estimation maths

Hey, welcome backto my blog I hope you have had a good day so far... Today for maths we had had to estimate and measure. We got to make our own paper plane . It was really fun and I really enjoyed it... How far can you jump with your feet together?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Magic Money

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog. I hope you are a splended day just like I am... Today for maths my maths group had to see how many times we could fit a Ten dollar note into 2 meters and a two dollar coin into 2 meters. Once we had the right information we had to see what had the most money. It is confusing but here it is... How many times can your finger fit into two meters?

Backyard fenced perimeter in linear meters

Welcome back to my blog. I hope you are having a good time at home. I am having a really fun time. My dad and I went around the garden and measured the fence perimeter in linear meters. I really enjoyed It. What is the perimeter of your house?

Lottie the amazing nurse

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog. I hope you are having an awesome day.When I had A meeting with my teacher this morning, We learnt about Lottie the nurse. She was a 1 of 10 New Zealand nurses on the hospital ship called the Maheno. It was really sad but cool to learn about it. most days Lottie wrote a diary entery. Our task was to write a diary entery of what our bubble is like or something about your experience in your bubble. I thought it would be cool to write about the last day of school... Here it is... who is in your bubble?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My super schedule

Kia Ora welcome back to my blog. I hope you have had an amazing time in isolation. Today is the start of school at home. At  9.00 every morning the teachers call us on google meet and we have a disscusion of what our task is. Today we had to make a daliy schedule and work on some activitys on our site.We used canva to make our timetables.
What have you been doing in your bubbles?

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Scrumshish omelets and garlic prawns

Kia Ora, Welcome back to my blog. I hope you have had a fun time being at home. I miss school so much! One of our covid-19 task was to make dinner for our family! So I decided to make some omelets and garlic praws. Have you ever mad dinner for your family before?

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Where will you live in the FUTURE?

Hey Everyone Hope you are having fun away from school! I really miss my friends and teatchers. Today I made a Choose a path using Google Form. It was really fun and I suggest you try it out! Have you ever made a Google Form before?  BYE

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Rad Rotational Symmetry Name Art

Kia Ora,
welcome back to my blog!
Since school is closed the teachers
have set us tasks so today I did
Rotational Symmetry Name Art.
I hope you like it. Have you
ever made art like this?

Building a hoverboard with lego!

Kia Ora Due to no school the teachers have gave us fun tasks. one of the tasks was to make a stop go animation so I did! here is a stop go animation of a lego person making a car. Have you ever used Stop Go Animation?

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Imagineering in a box

Kia Ora
Welcome back to my blog, Due to Covid-19  we don't have any school for 4 weeks, so the teachers have given us a list of work we can do. The first task I chose to do is Imagineering in a box. Basically can make your own theme park digitally.
Have you ever made your own theme park digitally

Thursday, March 12, 2020

My exciting scratch about Mean, Mode and Median!!!

Kia Ora fellow bloggers!

In maths we have been learning about... Mode, Median and Mean.
Our Task was to make a DLO using scratch to explain what the
meaning of mode, median and mode are.

Scratch is a website you can use  to make games, animation and
many more. At first it was hard to use but once you use it lots
it gets easier! At one stage my scratch stopped working, so I had
to go back and check it. It works now! Here it is:
Have you ever used scratch?

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

My Amazing Scratch

Hi bloggers,

We are learning Samoan every Wednesday and over the last two weeks we have been learning how to count to ten.  I found this quite easy as it is very similar to counting to 10 in Maori.  Today we used Scratch to code a programme that would show people how to count to ten in Samoan.  Check it out!  Can you count to 10 in any other language?

Friday, March 6, 2020

My cool slide about Samoa

talofa! welcome back to my blog. Every wednesday my Class go to Teck. We have a afternoon group and a morning group. I am in the morning group. When we get back from teck we do rotations... Coding,sports and samoan. My favorite is sports. Mr Shaw teaches us lots of different sports games. Last week we played t-ball. In samoan we are learning about the samaon culture and how to talk in samoan. Here is my slide about samoa...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

What I think Auschwitz Concentration Camp would look like....Pixilart!

Hello fellow people the world.

For reading we are doing a novel study. The book that we are doing is The boy in the stripped pyjamas.
Personally I really like this book! Our task was to make a pixilart that showed what we the Auschwitz Concentration Camp looks like.  Here is mine               
The red rectangle at the top is a train. The white builing with the blue stripes is where they send the prisoners to get poisend. The soilders trick the prisoners by saying they are going to have a shower. The building with the black circles are where they burn the bodys. The 2 white buildings with the green are where the soilders stay,the green repesents grass. The 4 white buildings are where the prisoners stay. Bye for now!

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Making cool pictures useing binary

HI Fellow bloggers

For coding we are learning about numbers in binary. Binary is what computers use. Our task was to make a picture with black and white but we had to make it with squares. Here is my Binary code for my picture:

Its really confuseing but ITS SO COOL! Bye for now!

Monday, March 2, 2020

It was a long time ago.... OOPs

Kia ora everyone!

My literacy group are taking part of Get NZ writing and
we are writing poems based on william carlos williams
poem this is just to say:

Have you ever done anything naughty? be honest!

Friday, February 28, 2020

My amazing poster about THE SALVATION ARMY

Kia ora 
welcome to my blog. This weeks task was: create a canva for a charity. for inquiry we have been learning about charity's. My next post is going to be my slide about communities. Here is my poster about the salvation arm:
What is your favourite Charity?